Home » The Fabulous World of Miz Cracker!

The Fabulous World of Miz Cracker!

by Keith langston

Laughter is not a distraction. Laughter is a way of refreshing and reinvigorating yourself. It’s a way of healing.

Image: Joshua Going

Miz Cracker shot to fame after competing on the 10th season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. She did so well that she was even brought back for the 5th season of All-Stars. And there’s a good reason why Miz Cracker became an instant fan favorite. She’s funny, quick-witted, energetic, and always unabashedly very much herself. Since then, she’s amassed over 1 million followers on Instagram, has a thriving YouTube channel, and has even released a hit single, “She’s a Woman“. She was recently featured on the Hulu series, Eater’s Guide to the World.


I know you’re about to become a very busy queen, so let’s dive right on in. In December, you’ll be releasing new music for the Jewish holiday of Hanukah. Can you tell me what Hanukah means to you?

You know, it’s interesting, because technically, Hanukah isn’t really that important of a Jewish holiday. But in the world of drag, it’s a great time for Jewish queens (Miz Cracker is Jewish herself) to say, Hey! We’re here, and we’re doing something too! Because you know, there’s the Christmas season which is just huge, so Hanukah is a great time for us to be able to say, Hey, we got our thing too…and as queens, we are going to make it fabulous!

Miz Cracker (Photo: Adam Ouahmane)

Can you tell us about the singles you’ll be releasing?

Oh, yes! The first single is actually a duet between me and (fellow Drag Race alum) Jujubee, we even wrote the song together! It’s all about us celebrating our love during the holidays. The song will be called “Eight Days of You”, and it’s really a joyous song about spending those eight special nights together.


And I hear there’s going to be a second single too? What will that one be like?

Ah, well that one is poetically titled, “Get Me the Fuck Out Of Here!”

(We both break out laughing)

And the song is all about being stuck with your nightmare family during the holidays, which I’m sure is something that so many people out there can relate to, especially during this year when we’re going to have the holidays during the pandemic.

I can imagine that being in holiday lockdown with family during these political times is going to be a nightmare!

It could be the theme for the next SAW movie!


Later in December, you’re launching a new podcast called She’s a Woman, where you talk to women from all over the world about their accomplishments. What can you tell us about that project?

Yeah, you know, I had toured with a show called American Woman, which was all about what it means to be a woman in the world today. It included every kind of woman. Cis, trans, all races, all sexualities, all religions, and it was just amazing. And I learned so much about so many incredible women during the show that I was like…I don’t want to stop, I want to keep going! So the podcast really came from me continuing to want to chat with fascinating women about their lives.

Who are some of the people you’ll be speaking with?

Oh, it’s everyone. We chat with everyone from comedians, to bookstore owners, detectives, bakers, and maybe even a few surprise celebrities… But yeah, the main focus is to showcase how everyday women ended up accomplishing beautiful things.

Next year, you’re going to go back on tour. So, you’re going to be extremely busy. What can we expect from the show?

My She’s a Woman tour is set to launch next year. We think it should be safe by then, but obviously, as with everything during the time of COVID, sign up for updates in case things change.

But the tour is going to be a really fun mix of all brand-new stand-up, music, and even video segments. And you know, it was originally supposed to launch in May of 2019…but it just kept getting pushed and pushed and pushed! So I’m really excited to finally get back on the road.

Image via Mz Cracker’s Instagram

After all we’ve been through in 2020, the entire world will be craving laughter. 

Yeah, and you know what I think is so important: Laughter is not a distraction. Laughter is a way of refreshing and reinvigorating yourself. It’s a way of healing. I think things like laughing and connecting with loved ones is just as important as sleeping and eating. I think they’re essential for being an activist and a productive member of the world. Laughter is action, not distraction, so I’m really excited to bring that to everyone next year.

On that note, religion is obviously rarely supportive of the LGBTQ community. Do you think your ability to find comedy in the world has helped you in your life as being both Jewish and LGBTQ?

I think yes. Out of Jewishness comes a lot of anxiety and uncertainty. Those feelings are kind of built into you atomically through Jewish culture. So naturally, there’s going to be a lot of uncertainty about queerness as well. And so every day I’m just looking for ways to make it work, but I think that’s what everyone who is queer is doing. We’re all just trying to make it work.


The Dates and Deets:

~Miz Cracker’s first new single “8 Days of You” comes out December 4 and then “Get Me the Fuck Out of Here” will be released December 10 (Miz Cracker also says that you can expect music videos for both!)

~Both singles will be available for preorder starting November 20.

~She’s a Woman podcast premieres December 7.

~Tickers for Cracker’s She’s a Woman tour are on sale here!

~ Follow Miz Cracker on Instagram and Twitter for updates. 

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