Home » Chef Robert Sisca at Garde De La Mer located at The ProvidenceG

Chef Robert Sisca at Garde De La Mer located at The ProvidenceG

by Our Editors
Chef Robert Sisco ProvidenceG

Chef Robert Sisca, formerly of Bistro du Midi in Boston, has taken the reigns of all of ProvidenceG’s restaurants, and the traditional French dishes are only elevated by the New England seafood and the New American flair. We asked Chef for one of his favorite recipes he cooks up at Garde de la Mer in Providence, RI.

For our full review of the Providence culinary scene, click here.

Grilled Mediterranean Sea Bass, Broccoli Rabe, Golden Raisins, Blood Orange Sauce Vierge

Spice Rub/Grilled Fish

1          tbsp                 coriander seed

1          tsp                   chili flake

2          tbsp                 Fennel seed

1          tsp                   Anise seed

5          ea                    Black peppercorns

2          tbsp                 Olive oil

1          oz                    Brandy

Toast all spices until aromatic. Using a coffee grinder combine spices to a powder. Splash a little brandy on the fish and marinate with spice mix. Rub a little olive oil on the fish and grill on both sides to get a nice crispy skin.   Finish in oven if needed.

Blood Orange Sauce Vierge

1          ea                     blood orange

1          ea                     grapefruit

1          ea                     lemon

1         tsp                   Spice mix

1          tsp                   salt

2         tbsp                 olive oil

1          bnch                Basil

Peel all fruit using a knife and segment. Slice fruit into small dices. Add spice mix, salt, olive oil and basil



1          bnch                Broccoli rabe

1          ea                     spicy chorizo

½         cup                  golden raisins

1          cup                  white wine

1          tbsp                 butter

3          tbsp                 olive oil

Soak raisins in white wine. Dice chorizo to small dice. Render chorizo in olive oil and add broccoli rabe. Season with salt and pepper. Add raisins and deglaze with raisin wine. Finish with butter. Place garnish on plate and put grilled fish on top. Top fish with sauce vierge.

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