Home ยป Naked Paddleboarding in Key West

Naked Paddleboarding in Key West

by Jason Heidemann

Handsome tour operator Cody White delivers the naked truth on stand up paddleboarding in the buff

Itโ€™s an afternoon of pure bliss that happens deep in the secluded heart of the waterways that part the majestic black and red mangroves of bucolic and sparsely populated Sugarloaf Key. The only sounds on this journey are the steady, reliable swoosh of the paddle as it dives into the water on both sides of your board propelling you along at a graceful, steady clip. Your friends for the day are a likeminded band of adventurers along with sting rays, barracuda, grouper, nurse sharks, jellyfish, and other creatures of the sea. Thereโ€™s literally nothing standing between you and natureโ€”not even a swimsuit. Thatโ€™s because this is Nomadic SUP, a gay-owned tour operator in Key West whose handsome and strapping owner, Cody White, leads daily, clothing-optional standup paddleboard tours through the Mangroves. We took a tour with White and later sat down with him to talk about leading gay men and women on the perfect Key West adventureโ€”sans clothing.

White and fiance and business partner Ryan Saca and their two dogs Teela and Grizzly hit the road in the family's 1973 airstream trailer cheekily named the Silver Sausage

White and fiance and business partner Ryan Saca and their two dogs Teela and Grizzly hit the road in the family’s 1973 airstream trailer cheekily named the Silver Sausage

What is it you love about nature?

Cody White: I have always been an outdoors enthusiast. I grew up in New Hampshire in the mountains and one of the cool things is going out in nature and never knowing what youโ€™re going to findโ€”as long as itโ€™s natural, it can be anything.

Where did your interest in standup paddleboarding come from?

The love for paddleboarding started in Lake Tahoe where Ryan, my partner and I met. We were doing odd jobs for the summer, which is a thing you do in a seasonal economy, and when we opted to hop on a paddleboard that somebody had, we noticed how cool it was looking down into the hundreds of crystal-clear feet of waters of Tahoe.

Howโ€™d you come to start leading tours?

That winter I went to visit my grandmother in upstate New York and hopped onto Google just to see what was going on for paddleboarding in the area and there was nothing. Pretty much from Upstate New York up in the Adirondacks to Manhattan all the way in the southern end there were very few if any businesses that had standup paddleboarding so I went back to Ryan in Lake Tahoe and said, โ€˜Hey, why donโ€™t we try starting a business?โ€™ We moved to New York with a couple of boards and as we got going in the summer we figured out how to get a business together and what kind of demand and interest people had. Really it was just introducing the area to standup paddleboarding and the more we did it the more we fell in love with it.

White and Captain Ryan in the Key West back country aboard the couple's 20 foot Grady White

White and Captain Ryan in the Key West back country aboard the couple’s 20 foot Grady White

How did you both end up in Key West?

What brought us down to Key West was our 1973 Airstream. We bought an Airstream trailer in Upstate New York and as we got into the fall we knew that we didnโ€™t want to be there in the winter since thereโ€™s no paddling, so we decided to drive as far south as we could. We didnโ€™t know weโ€™d end up in Key West, but we saw an event that a friend of ours, who had a paddleboard company, was hosting. So we drove down and stopped off with the idea that if we didnโ€™t like it we could always turn around and drive back to Tahoe, but when we ended up in Key West, we went out for a full-moon sunset paddle and fell in love with the area.

What do you love about Key West?

Key West is a funky place, but really we love the water, itโ€™s absolutely incredible. The island chains in their own right are beautiful and the ecosystem is protected and wonderful, but what kept us coming back was really the peopleโ€”everybody is welcome.

How did you come to host clothing-optional or โ€œnaturalโ€ tours?

We first bought the airstream in New York, it was that first summer out and we were trying to figure out where we would put it so we asked the guy we were buying it from; he was an older gentleman whoโ€™d been in this small, conservative town for a long time, and he told us this one location that was perfect for us so that we could deliver paddleboards to multiple different lakes. He said, โ€œWell thereโ€™s only one thing about it, itโ€™s a nudist camp, a naturalist compound, and youโ€™d be at a clothing-optional resort.โ€ We both thought that was great. It was a family resort, there were trailers and cottages that were passed down from grandparents to kids, and it was a great community of really, really nice people and they were very supportive of our paddleboarding and of us in general [but] we could never do any clothing-optional paddleboarding up there because itโ€™s too close to everybody.

When we came down to Florida we wouldnโ€™t see people for hours, and we were just inclined [to be naked] because weโ€™re naturalists so we paddleboarded naked and had a great time and we mentioned it to some friends and they said: “oh, my gosh that would be so much fun, weโ€™d love to do it.” We said: “okay come out next time.” They came out, and we realized other people might want to do this so then we started offering it on the tour. Itโ€™s one of our most popular tours because most people havenโ€™t tried standup paddleboarding and they certainly havenโ€™t tried it naked. Once people get past the idea of, “oh, everybodyโ€™s going to see me naked,” everybodyโ€™s natural, everybodyโ€™s comfortable, itโ€™s really a serene experience.

Have you found that people are shy at first, but come away wowed by the experience?

I would absolutely agree with that mainly because we have such a great return rate. We have so many customers who keep coming back and just relaxing. When the clothes come off it just takes a whole other level of posturing and masks off of us so that we can just relax and be there. We know that works for us, and weโ€™ve seen some great changes in peopleโ€”that true vacation experience that people can have. Weโ€™re just happy that we can be a part of that.

Nomadic SUP owner and operator Cody White paddleboards au naturel at Ballast Key, a private island eight miles west of Key West. Photo: Juan Pisani

Nomadic SUP owner and operator Cody White paddleboards au naturel at Ballast Key, a private island eight miles west of Key West. Photo: Juan Pisani

Who takes the tour?

A lot of people, if they want to be just with their partner or a couple friends, they know they can sign up for the private natural tour, otherwise I do have an open tour for up to seven people where it can be a mixed group of men and women. I let everybody know before the trip if it is a group of men coming out and a woman were to ask if she can come out, of course I would check with the customers first. But my main demographic for the natural tour is gay men and we do have some lesbian couples who will come out with us occasionally. I havenโ€™t had any straight couples commit to it yet. Theyโ€™ve signed up with potential intent, but said well maybe next time.

Are there instances where you have to explain the tour is G rated?

Yes. I have had a couple of cold calls from people seemingly looking for something that isnโ€™t a natural tour, Iโ€™m not sure if they even knew what paddleboarding was. If theyโ€™re not in that G-rated mentality itโ€™s pretty easy to explain to them that this isnโ€™t the place for that. Itโ€™s really just about getting to another level of relaxation.

Are there folks who are shy about being on the paddleboard?

People are usually nervous. Over 95% of the people who have come out with me have never tried it before, and everybody has a good time. The great thing about paddleboarding for me is itโ€™s all about the smile. If youโ€™re smiling youโ€™re doing it right. When we start out we go over safety and some pointers about how to do it and what to expect and then if you want to sit down and enjoy yourself then sit. You donโ€™t have to stand if you donโ€™t want to but most customers do. Itโ€™s intimidating to be naked in front of people and standup paddleboarding. The great thing is both of those things are really easy to do and once you do them thereโ€™s unbelievable satisfaction and accomplishment you get from it.

Do you have the best job in the world?

If you start calling it a job itโ€™s not so much fun. Iโ€™ve never been able to identify with a traditional office job. Thatโ€™s never worked very well ever since I was a little kid. I love athletics, I love exercise, I love to explore, I love the wild, I love the water. To be able to do that and come and realize I just worked and I came out with a smile on my face is incredible. Thereโ€™s nothing like it.

Discover more outdoor activities and plan your getaway at: http://fla-keys.com/gaykeywest

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