Louisville Resources
Louisville Tourism, 301 S. Fourth St. Tel: 502-379-6109. gotolouisville.com
21C Hotel, 700 W. Main St. Tel: 502-217-6300. 21cmuseumhotels.com/louisville
The Bellwether, 1300 Bardstown Rd., Tel: 502-544-4214. thebellwetherhotel.com
The Brown Hotel, 335 West Broadway. Tel: 888-888-5252. brownhotel.com/
Hotel Genevieve, 730 East Market St. Tel: 502-676-7199. bunkhousehotels.com/hotel-genevieve
Hyatt Regency Louisville, 320 W. Jefferson St. Tel: 502-581-1234. hyatt.com
Seelbach Hilton Louisville, 500 S. 4th St. Tel: 502-585-3200. seelbachhilton.com

Louisville Pride (Photo by Mark Chesnut)
Big Bar, 1202 Bardstown Rd. Tel: 502-618-2237. instagram.com/bigbar_louisville
Chill Bar, 1117 Bardstown Rd. Tel: 859-913-8679. facebook.com/chillbarlouisville
House Lounge, 1148 Garvin Place. Tel: 502-690-6206. facebook.com/1148garvin
Kentuckiana Pride, Tel: 502-649-4851. kypride.com
LGBTQ+ Community Center/Louisville Pride Foundation, 1244 S. 3rd St. Tel: 502-528-4157. louisvillepride.com
Play, 1101 E. Washington St. Tel: 502-882-3615. louisville.playdancebar.com
Agave & Rye, 426 Baxter Ave. Tel: 502-873-5111. agaveandrye.com
Biscuit Belly, 900 E. Main St., NuLu. Tel: 502-460-8020. biscuitbelly.com
CC’s Kitchen, 651 S. 4th St. Tel: 502-215-0797. cc.kitchen
Dizzy Whizz, 217 W. Saint Catherine St. Tel: 502-583-3663. dizzywhizz.com
Guacamole, 900 E. Market St. Tel: 502-212-8225. guacamolemodernmexican.com
La Chasse, 1359 Bardstown Rd. Tel: 502-822-3963. lachasselouisville.com
Mark’s Feed Store, 11422 Shelbyville Rd. Tel: 502-244-0140. marksfeedstore.com
Liquor Lab, 823 E. Market St., Suite 103. liquorlab.com
The Local Seltzery, 825 E. Main St. Tel: 502-653-7139. thelocalseltzery.com
Nostalgic, 1306 Bardstown Rd. eatnostalgic.com
Old Louisville Coffee Coop, 316 W. Ormsby Ave. oldlouisvillecoffeecoop.com
Royals Hot Chicken, 736 E. Market St. Tel: 502-919-7068. royalshotchicken.com
Colonel Sanders Museum, 1441 Gardiner Lane. Tel: 502-874-2174. No website.
Evan Williams Bourbon Experience, 528 W. Main St. Tel: 502-272-2623. evanwilliams.com
Frazier History Museum, 829 W. Main St. Tel: 502-753-5663. fraziermuseum.org
Kentucky Derby Museum, 704 Central Ave. Tel: 502-637-1111. derbymuseum.org
Louisville Hot Brown Week, seven glorious days of culinary celebrations. hotbrownweek.com
Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory, 800 W. Main St. Tel: 877-775-8443. sluggermuseum.com
Muhammad Ali Center, 144 N. 6th St. Tel: 502-584-9254. alicenter.org
Old Forester Distilling Co., 119 W. Main St. Tel: 502-779-2222. oldforester.com/distillery
Rabbit Hole Distillery, 711 E. Jefferson St. Tel: 502-561-2000. rabbitholedistillery.com
Roots 101 African American Museum, 124 N. 1st St. Tel: 502-384-1940. roots-101.org
Urban Bourbon Trail, created by Louisville Tourism, lists a variety of bars and restaurants that specialize in bourbon. gotolouisville.com/restaurants/ubt
Waverly Hills Sanatorium, 4400 Paralee Dr., Tel: 502-690-7880. therealwaverlyhills.com