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LGBTQ+ Louisville

by Mark Chesnut
Pride 1 (Photo by Mark Chesnut)

Louisville has forged a 21st century reputation as one of the most progressive and LGBTQ friendly destinations in the south.

Pride (Photo by Mark Chesnut, DepartureLevel.com)

Louisville Resources

Louisville Tourism, 301 S. Fourth St. Tel: 502-379-6109. gotolouisville.com

21C Hotel, 700 W. Main St. Tel: 502-217-6300. 21cmuseumhotels.com/louisville

The Bellwether, 1300 Bardstown Rd., Tel: 502-544-4214. thebellwetherhotel.com

The Brown Hotel, 335 West Broadway. Tel: 888-888-5252. brownhotel.com/

Hotel Genevieve, 730 East Market St. Tel: 502-676-7199. bunkhousehotels.com/hotel-genevieve

Hyatt Regency Louisville, 320 W. Jefferson St. Tel: 502-581-1234. hyatt.com

Seelbach Hilton Louisville, 500 S. 4th St. Tel: 502-585-3200. seelbachhilton.com

Louisville Pride (Photo by Mark Chesnut)

Louisville Pride (Photo by Mark Chesnut)

Big Bar, 1202 Bardstown Rd. Tel: 502-618-2237. instagram.com/bigbar_louisville

Chill Bar, 1117 Bardstown Rd. Tel: 859-913-8679. facebook.com/chillbarlouisville

House Lounge, 1148 Garvin Place. Tel: 502-690-6206. facebook.com/1148garvin

Kentuckiana Pride, Tel: 502-649-4851. kypride.com

LGBTQ+ Community Center/Louisville Pride Foundation, 1244 S. 3rd St. Tel: 502-528-4157. louisvillepride.com

Play, 1101 E. Washington St. Tel: 502-882-3615. louisville.playdancebar.com

Agave & Rye, 426 Baxter Ave. Tel: 502-873-5111. agaveandrye.com

Biscuit Belly, 900 E. Main St., NuLu. Tel: 502-460-8020. biscuitbelly.com

CC’s Kitchen, 651 S. 4th St. Tel: 502-215-0797. cc.kitchen

Dizzy Whizz, 217 W. Saint Catherine St. Tel: 502-583-3663. dizzywhizz.com

Guacamole, 900 E. Market St. Tel: 502-212-8225. guacamolemodernmexican.com

La Chasse, 1359 Bardstown Rd. Tel: 502-822-3963. lachasselouisville.com

Mark’s Feed Store, 11422 Shelbyville Rd. Tel: 502-244-0140. marksfeedstore.com

Liquor Lab, 823 E. Market St., Suite 103. liquorlab.com

The Local Seltzery, 825 E. Main St. Tel: 502-653-7139. thelocalseltzery.com

Nostalgic, 1306 Bardstown Rd. eatnostalgic.com

Old Louisville Coffee Coop, 316 W. Ormsby Ave. oldlouisvillecoffeecoop.com

Royals Hot Chicken, 736 E. Market St. Tel: 502-919-7068. royalshotchicken.com

Colonel Sanders Museum, 1441 Gardiner Lane. Tel: 502-874-2174. No website.

Evan Williams Bourbon Experience, 528 W. Main St. Tel: 502-272-2623. evanwilliams.com

Frazier History Museum, 829 W. Main St. Tel: 502-753-5663. fraziermuseum.org

Kentucky Derby Museum, 704 Central Ave. Tel: 502-637-1111. derbymuseum.org

Louisville Hot Brown Week, seven glorious days of culinary celebrations. hotbrownweek.com

Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory, 800 W. Main St. Tel: 877-775-8443. sluggermuseum.com

Muhammad Ali Center, 144 N. 6th St. Tel: 502-584-9254. alicenter.org

Old Forester Distilling Co., 119 W. Main St. Tel: 502-779-2222. oldforester.com/distillery

Rabbit Hole Distillery, 711 E. Jefferson St. Tel: 502-561-2000. rabbitholedistillery.com

Roots 101 African American Museum, 124 N. 1st St. Tel: 502-384-1940. roots-101.org

Urban Bourbon Trail, created by Louisville Tourism, lists a variety of bars and restaurants that specialize in bourbon. gotolouisville.com/restaurants/ubt

Waverly Hills Sanatorium, 4400 Paralee Dr., Tel: 502-690-7880. therealwaverlyhills.com

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