Owner and Chief Statement Maker at The Bowtie Gurl
Tell us about yourself and what you do for a living?
I love what I do, which allows me to pursue my life’s purpose. My name is Karen Prescod aka The Bowtie Gurl, my pronouns are she her hers, and I’m a powerful, confident, loving woman who gets to create beautiful handcrafted bowties, pocket squares, and now face mask, for my fashion brand designed for the wearer to BE who they are and extend their personal style conversation. As owner and Chief Statement Maker at The Bowtie Gurl (www.thebowtiegurl.com). I get to support my Non-profit Bowtie Kids Courage and Confidence for Kids with Chronic Pain born from my own personal chronic pain journey. (www.bowtiekids.org)
How long have you been living in Fort Lauderdale, and what influenced your decision to move here?
I moved to Fort Lauderdale September 2011 and arrived here seeking healing and transformation from the salt water and beaches.
What are your favorite places to go for a cocktail and/or dinner?
I have so many favorite places to go for cocktails or dinner but Apt 9F (www.apt9f.com) and Shooters Waterfront (www.shooterswaterfront.com) makes the top of my list.
What cultural attractions are a must see for visitors to Fort Lauderdale?
Must see cultural attractions Stonewall Museum & Archives (www.stonewall-museum.org), Fort Lauderdale Beach Park, International Swimming Hall of Fame ( www.ishof.org), Old Dillard Museum (www.browardschools.com), and World AIDS Museum and Educational Center ( www.worldaidsmuseum.org).

Apt 9F
A friend is coming to Fort Lauderdale for the first time… Please describe the perfect weekend.
The perfect weekend for a friend visiting for the first time would include a Water Taxi Ride (www.watertaxi.com), breakfast at Top Hat Café (www.tophatftl.com), and a full day at Fort Lauderdale Beach Park soaking up the sun and enjoying the ocean.
What are the best places to truly enjoy the natural beauty of the area?
Best places to truly enjoy natural beauty is Hugh Taylor Birch State Park (www.floridastateparks.org/HughTaylorBirch), and, oh yes, the Intracoastal Waterway is a must see.
What is your favorite time of year in Fort Lauderdale and why?
I have several experiences, which makes it hard to nail down one time favorite time of year. I look forward to Art Fort Lauderdale (www.artftlauderdale.com), FemALE Brewfest (www.femalebrewfest.com), Thou Art Women (www.thouartwoman.com), Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show (www.flibs.com) and Winter Fest Boat Parade (www.winterfestparade.com). We have so much to offer all year round.
What’s one souvenir to bring back for friends or family?
Fort Lauderdale beach sand and my enthusiasm for a must visit destination. Fort Lauderdale allows you to be completely free and allows you to CELEBRATE YOU.
Please finish this sentence: Don’t leave Fort Lauderdale without…
Don’t leave Fort Lauderdale without soaking up the sun at our beautiful beaches and exploring the city by water taxi.