Home » Solution Found to Stop the Spread of the Coronavirus

Solution Found to Stop the Spread of the Coronavirus

by Robert Adams

With the world in panic mode surrounding the coronavirus, we thought about the ramifications concerning closing schools, restaurants, and businesses to stop the spread of the virus.  Helping to prevent people from contracting this virus is a top priority now, but also imperative is helping small businesses to stay open without endangering the public. It may be months before local, state, and federal governments around the world have a plan in place to help people get back to work and living a normal life. The question on everyone’s mind is: what can be done now to stop the spread of the coronavirus now?

If government officials, working together with medical professionals, implement mass testing for the coronavirus immediately, we will be able to stop the spread of this disease and reopen all the places we rely on for our livelihood and quality of life. Mass testing, using all available resources, will also help the world understand how many people are infected, and the percentage of people who are actually dying.  Guessing and spreading fear is not working.

There needs to be a coordinated effort by all local, state, and federal governments to make this happen immediately. Once people are identified as being free of the coronavirus, they must be allowed to freely move about, go to school and work, attend public performances, and eat in restaurants. Only those people testing positive for the coronavirus will need to be self-quarantined, not the entire population as is now being implemented. Once someone is no longer contagious, they will also be able to interact socially with others. (Singapore is a good example of what a country can do to contain the virus and allow people to live normal lives.)

The health and livelihood of each us us demands critical thinking and action if we want to stop the spread of the coronavirus and insure that people do not suffer the financial burden of being in lockdown for months.

The time to do this is now. It can work, and it will work, if you demand mass testing be implemented immediately.

Contact The World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control, and your elected officials today. Share this post with them and demand action now.

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