Quirky Arizona: Three Must-See Towns

by Rich Rubin
Watson Lake in Prescott, Arizona

Prescott, Cottonwood, and Jerome, about two thirds of the way from Phoenix to Flagstaff, and just a half hour from Sedona, are destinations in their own right for those who love the offbeat, the unique, or the just plain different.

Rich Rubin

arizona resources

For information on all three towns and their surroundings, visit the Arizona Office of Tourism website: www.visitarizona.com
Your best source is www.visit-prescott.com

The Motor Court, 503 S. Montezuma St. Tel: 928-717-0157. Quirky, welcoming and fun redo of a vintage motor court lodging. www.themotorlodge.com


Breakfast Lineup at The County Seat in Prescott, Arizona

Breakfast Lineup at The County Seat in Prescott
Photo: Rich Rubin

The County Seat, 120 W. Gurley St. Tel: 928-515-3359. Upstairs from a spice shop, a great casual dinner spot. www.countyseataz.com

Farm Provisions, 148 N. Montezuma St. Tel: 928-776-3001. Amazing food, beautifully presented, and delicious (great service, too). www.farmprovisionsaz.com

El Gato Azul, 316 W. Goodwin St. Tel: 928-445-1070. A huge range of globally inspired tapas, imaginatively prepared and well worth checking out. www.elgatoazulprescott.com

The Local, 520 W. Sheldon St. Tel: 928-237-4724. Good (pardon the pun) local spot for breakfast or early lunch. www.localprescott.com

The Raven Café, 142 N. Cortez St. Tel: 928-717-0009. Great for morning coffee/pastries through lunch, dinner, and cocktails. www.ravencafe.com

The Porch Coffee, 226 N. Montezuma St. Tel: 928- 227-2790. Comfy, welcoming, and friendly coffeehouse. www.porch.coffee

Wild Iris Coffeehouse, 124 S. Granite St. Tel: 928-778-5155. The quintessential coffeehouse in Prescott. www.wildiriscoffee.com

Highlands Center for Natural History, 1375 S. Walker Rd. Tel: 928-776- 9550. Discover gardens, walking trails, and much more at this outdoor wonderland. www.highlandscenter.org

Phippen Museum, 4701 Highway 89 N. Tel: 928-778-1385. Beautiful look at a wide range of Western art, in a gorgeous setting. www.phippenartmuseum.org

Museum of Indigenous People, 147 N. Arizona Ave. Tel: 928-445-1230. Small but packed full of treasures from Arizona’s indigenous people. www.museumofindigenouspeople.org

Sharlot Hall, 415 W. Gurley St. Tel: 928-445-3122. The history of the area in a fascinating in-town museum. www.sharlothallmuseum.org

Back Alley Wine Bar, 156 S. Montezuma St. Tel: 480-570-5131. Large wine selection and live music. www.backalleywine.com

Jersey Lilly Saloon, 116 S. Montezuma St. Tel: 928-541-7854. Creative drinks, friendly service, and nice balcony. www.jerseylillysaloon.com

Matt’s Longhorn Saloon, 112 S. Montezuma St. Tel: 928-776-2974. Fun saloon with live music and dancing in a historic building. www.mattssaloon.com

For information, visit www.visitcottonwoodaz.org.

Pines Inn and Suites, 920 S. Camino Real. Tel: 928-634-9975. Comfy lodgings just a five-minute drive from the heart of Old Town. www.pinesinnandsuites.com


Wine Tasting Sign in Arizona

Wine Tasting Sign

3 Kings Kasbar, 102 E. Pima St., Cottonwood. Tel: 928-639-4433. Fabulous atmosphere, great service, creative and delicious food. www.3kingskasbar.com

Crema Craft Kitchen & Bar, 917 N. Main St., Cottonwood. Tel: 928- 649-5785. The best spot for a nice breakfast/lunch (with an invaluable takeout window for coffee/pastries). www.cremacottonwood.com

Merkin Vineyards Osteria, 1001 N. Main St., Cottonwood. Tel: 928-639- 1001. Tasting room and restaurant with style, friendliness, and wonderful food/drinks. www.merkinvineyardsosteria.com

Old Town Red Rooster Café, 901 Main St. Tel: 928-649-8100. Friendly and all- welcoming breakfast/lunch spot. www.oldtownredroostercafe.com

Page Springs Cellars Bistro, 1500 N. Page Springs Rd., Cornville. Tel: 928-639-3004. Wine flights and creative cuisine at this esteemed winery. www.pagespringscellars.com

Firecreek Coffee Company, 677 E. Mingus Ave. Tel: 928-639-1234. Nice coffeehouse/local hangout. www.firecreekcoffee.com

Violette’s Bakery Café, 900 Main St., Clarkdale. Tel: 928-821-6712. Charming outdoor café in nearby Clarkdale with great pastries and coffee. www.violettesbakerycafe.com

Dead Horse Ranch State Park, 675 Dead Horse Ranch Rd. 928-634- 5283. A getaway into the everchanging scenery of Arizona’s awesome out- doors. www.azstateparks.com/dead-horse

Jail Trail, 1101 N Main Street. Nature right at the edge of town. www.verdebirdingtrail.com/birdsites/hotspot/jailtrail/index.php

Tuzigoot National Monument, 25 Tuzigoot Road, Clarkdale. Tel: 928- 634-5564. Remarkable relic of past civilization, with astounding hilltop vistas. www.nps.gov/tuzi

Verde Canyon Railroad, 300 N. Broadway, Clarkdale. Tel: 800-582-7245. The perfect way to leave the driving to them and catch some incredible scenery. www.verdecanyonrr.com

For information, see the Chamber of Commerce website, www.jeromechamber.com

Hillside House Vacation Rental, 687 Main St. Tel: 928-821-2412. Your comfy home away from home in Jerome. www.hillsidehousejerome.com

Surgeon’s House Bed and Breakfast, 100 Hill St. Tel: 928-639-1452. Nice suites and oh those gardens! www.surgeonshouse.com

Asylum, 200 Hill St., Jerome. Tel: 928-639-3197. Great food and panoramic views in this historic building. www.asyluminjerome.com

The Clinkscale, 309 Main St. Tel: 928-634-6225. Right at the heart of town and perfect for drinks/dinner. www.theclinkscale.com/restaurant

Mine Café, 115 Jerome Ave. Tel: 928-639-0123. The go-to breakfast/lunch spot for visitors and locals alike in Jerome. www.facebook.com/theminecafe

Canary Coffee Roasters, 110 Main St., Jerome. Nice little spot with great coffee, inside the historic Motor State Co. building. www.canarycoffeeroasters.com

Coppertown Coffee, 111 Main St. Takeout joint that’s perfect for a pick-me-up just when you need it. www.coppertowncoffeeandgelato.com

Spirit Room, 166 Main St. Tel: 928-634-8809. Fun place for a drink or two (and one of the only late-night spots in town). www.spiritroom.com

Ghost Tours of Jerome. Tel: 928-649-8998. A fun way to explore the haunted side of Jerome. www.jeromeghosttours.com

Jerome State Historic Park, 100 Douglas Rd. Tel: 928-634-5381. Jerome’s history in a historic mansion, with a lovely setting. www.azstateparks.com/jerome

Mine Museum, 200 Main St. Tel: 928-634-5477. Fascinating little muse- um chock-full of relics from Jerome’s wild past. www.jeromehistoricalsociety.com/museums-buildings/mine-museum

Audrey Headframe Park, 55 Douglas Rd. A glimpse into some of the harsh realities of the mining business in this outdoor park. www.jeromehistoricalsociety.com/museums-buildings/audrey-headframe-park

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