50 Fabulous Cocktail Recipes For Your Next Party

by Our Editors

Taste the USA without ever leaving your living room with these 50 cocktails (recipes included).

Jenna Leis (photo by oneinchpunch)
(Photo by Alp Aksoy)

Colorado: Theย Colorado Bulldog

So what makes the Colorado Bulldog and a classic White Russian different? Well the people of Colorado like to add a little fizz to their drink by cutting the cream with cola, giving it a bubbly feeling when going down. It is said thatย the name of this drink was derived from Peanuts, an English bulldog and the original Colorado State University mascot, before they changed it to the Aggie Rams. To make you pour the vodka and coffee liqueur in an old fashioned glass filled with ice. Add equalย amounts of milk or cream and cola then stir well. Be careful though, the cream and cola can create a lot of fizz so pour slowly.

  • 1 oz Vodka
  • 1 ozโ€‹ Coffee liqueur
  • 2โ€‹ oz โ€‹Cream (or milk)
  • 2โ€‹ oz โ€‹Cola


Dark and Stormy Rum Cocktail (Photo by Brent Hofacker)

Connecticut:ย Dark โ€™N Stormy

The Dark โ€˜N Stormy may have originated in Bermuda, but every bartender in Connecticut can make it with their eyes closed. It is one of the most popular drinks ordered in the state. Whether itโ€™s needed to keep cool during the sticky summer or comfort you during the snowy winters it is the unofficial state drink. The recipe is a simple mix of two ingredients,ย dark rum (or the โ€˜darkโ€™) andย and ginger beer (or the โ€˜stormyโ€™) and then oftenย garnished with a lime wedge.

  • 2 oz Dark rum
  • 5 oz Ginger beer
  • Lime wedge


(Photo by Alp Aksoy)

Delaware:ย Orange Crush

The Orange Crush Cocktail has become a staple of Delaware beaches. Every bar up and down the shore serves them on hot summer days. While each bar has its own variation of the drink, it is agreed by everyone that itโ€™s the best way to get your vitamin C. The most common recipes pourย all the ingredients into cocktail mixer, shake well, then strain them into a glass filled with ice. To finish itโ€™s garnished with, of course, a slice of orange.

  • 2 Juiced oranges
  • 1.5 oz Vodka
  • 1 oz Orange liquor
  • Splash of Sprite
  • Orange slice


(Photo by Malbert)

Florida:ย The Rum Runner

The story of the invention of the Rum Runner goes that in the 1950s the head bartender atย Holiday Isle Tiki Bar in Islamorada, Florida was forced to get rid of all the old alcohol in stock. So he poured all the ingredients into an ice filled cocktail shaker and strained into an ice filled hurricane glass. Thus the Rum Runner was created and has been enjoyed in the hot Floridian weather since.

  • 1 oz Lime juice
  • 1 oz Orange juice
  • 1 oz Unsweetened pineapple juice
  • 1 oz Banana liqueur
  • 1 oz White rum
  • 1 oz Dark rum
  • 1/2 oz Chambord
  • 1/2 oz Grenadine


(Photo by Rimma Bondarenko)

Georgia:ย Scarlett Oโ€™Hara

This sweet drink is just like theย Gone with the Windย character itโ€™s named after, a classic southern creation. The Scarlett Oโ€™Hara has been served in bars around Georgia since its creation in 1936, the same year as the booksโ€™ publication. The drink uses the unofficial drink of the south, Southern Comfort, and tart lime juice to balance out the sweet peach flavor. The two ingredients are poured into a glass, filled with ice, and finished with cranberry juice before being garnished with a lime wedge.

  • 2 oz Southern Comfort
  • Dash of Lime juice
  • 6 oz Cranberry juice
  • Lime Wedge

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